NeroVerse MarketPlace Launching with Founders’ Edition NeroBots
NeroVerse is opening up the marketplace with 3D Interactive Founders’ Edition NeroBots and permitting OG Dragon Holders to buy and sell.
The time has finally come for GamePower’s first flagship product! The NeroVerse Marketplace is opening to mint Founders’ Edition NeroBots active now! Additionally current OG Dragon holders will be able to sell their airdrop to others whom might want to take advantage of its perks.
NeroVerse has partnered with Stripe to provide fiat transactions for those wishing not to use Solana. Price: $60 USD or $Sol equivalent.
First of all what is a NeroBot and how are Founders’ Edition NeroBots different? NeroBots are companion robots that will follow your Hero around the NeroVerse. They may have advice for you in certain circumstances you face for the first time, or just make absurd comments and laugh at your jokes (maybe). NeroBots fly and will have customization options such as skins, mech gear, and more available over time. Different NeroBot skins will have different advantages in game. This might be combat missions, battle in the arena, gathering, exploring, etc. Actual stat details will be revealed over time.
As for the Founders’ NeroBots;
- Will be listed for up to 7 days for sale or until inventory runs out.
- Choose from a selection of Four NeroBots during the Founders’ NeroBot sale. Each Skin will be limited to 500 for a total number of 2,000 available.
- Each person wishing to buy a Founders’ NeroBot will be limited to no more than 4 per account/wallet while supplies last.
- The price for each founders’ NeroBot is $60 US or its equivalent in Solana at the time of purchase.
- If you have your verifiable OG Dragon in your NeroVerse connected wallet during purchase and it is not listed on any marketplace, you will receive a 10% discount for the purchase of Founders’ Edition NeroBots.
- Purchasing 2 NeroBots during the Founders’ sale will result in an Awarded Dragon Egg for the Genesis Dragon Presale Event. Purchasing 4 NeroBots during the Founders’ sale will result in 2 Dragon Eggs to be made available after the Founders’ NeroBot sale. A maximum of 900 eggs will be issued in this manner.
In the meantime, you can also take a look this lite-paper:
NeroBots Lite-paper:
Also, important to note is that buying 2 Founders’ Edition Nerobots in the same wallet will allow you to claim a dragon egg up to two dragons. There is a 4 Founders’ Edition NeroBot cap on each account/wallet.
Why are the eggs so important? The dragon eggs act as an entry ticket to the Genesis Dragon presale event (date tba). The presale event will give dragon egg holders 24 hours to claim a Genesis dragon of their choice. Before the presale event, however, dragon egg holders will have the opportunity to burn 3 dragon eggs for a legendary dragon egg which can be redeemed during the presale for a legendary Genesis Dragon of choice among 8 different body types. Also, each egg that is hatched will be paired with a “Dragoon” NeroBot companion shell.
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